An indeliable spots (Paro)

                                   Places that I have visited after reaching in PCE 

                                                                    5th Semester      

                                                      History of Tamchog Lhakhang

Popularly known as Tamchog Lhakhang/temple. This Lhakhang is situated at the base of the mountain connecting the highway of Paro and Thimphu. This temple was built by famous an architect or saint called Drubthob Thangtong Gyalpo. The relics of the monastery includes Guru Padmasambhava, Lord Buddha, Zhabdrung and as well as Kanjur and Tenjur inside main shrine and stacks of ancient religious books. We can even see lam Jampel and Lam Thangthong’s walking stick are also preserved in the temple. 

When we travel by vehicle we can see metal bridge which is constructed by lam Thangtong Gyelpo and for now this bridge is not used.

                                                     Final/ 8th Semester 


                                                 Ugyen Guru Lhakhang 

This lhakhang is commonly known as Ugyen Guru Lhakhang. It's located on top of the hill towards the west side of Paro valley. The journey to lhakhang begins from Paro, Bongdey bridge in the basin of valley over 15 kilometers up the forested hills. The temple's founder is terton Sherab Mebar (14th century) treasure revealer. As per the concierge of temple stated that temple related with conflicts between the lord of Haa Valley (Ap Chundu) and a local deity of modern Haa territory.

                                                                Gorina Monastery

This temple is founded by Je Jampel Sherab Gyeltshen or Gori Je and the name of the temple is known as Kuenang Yoelzergang Goenpa. Later, the mind reincarnation of Zhabdrung, Jigme Norbu expanded the temple and instatlled additional statues in the temple. It's often said that this temple was residence for Zhabdrung Jigme Norbu. In the main temple we can see bed and mattresses of late Zhabdrung jigme Norbu. In the past it was temple but later, Dorji Lopen Ngawang Tenzin converted the temple into a monastic centre for monks to study. One of resident student monk mentioned that there are about 200 monks and all the expenditure are done by government as it's government monastry since, 2001. There are also some important statues that are shifted from other renowned or destroyed temple in that community.

                                                                    Tara Monastery

 Tara monastery is constructed recently and it's one of the private monastic institution in Bhutan. There are 21 Taras' and theses are the foremost relics of the monastery. The design of the monastery is viewed as that of foreign country. The journey towards the monastery begin from Taju and it's about 3 hours on foot and 1 hour by vehicle. It captured the serene view of Paro, international airport. The monastery is always open with one monk as a concierge. The guests are most welcome with offering of tea. 

This is the front view of the monastic institution. As  we can clearly see there was traditional sofa made out of bamboo where we can sit and refresh our self by reading some religious books . It was well equipped with plenty of religious library or philosophy books for the monks and visitors to do research related to religious purposes. 

Few meters away from monastery there is guest room where we can order varieties of meals and spent time with our family and beloved ones.

                                                                Drakey Pangtsho

"Jobs fill your pockets, but adventures fill your soul"  by Jaime Lyn Beatt that exploring different places help us to immerse in different cultures in our country. Like wise, in May month I along with my mates made a way to one of the prominent lake known as Drakey Pangtsho. It's located in the northern part of Paro at around 4300 meters above sea level. It's one of the wonderful trekking/hiking route which begin from Drana Goenpa. It's around 5-6 hours to get to the lake and takes around 4-5 hours to descend back to the base camp. The lake is situated on the lap of large cliff and one side of the lake is surrounded by small trees.

As this hiking spot is very prone to altitude sickness it's better to carry sugary drinks, chocolates and first aid box as a remedy. I felt that as the way being rocky and wet trails mountain climbing shoes are required to avoid self destruction. It's believed that once we approach near the lake we are forbidden to make loud noise as the deity will not favor us to witness properly. For me, trekking to Drakey Pangtsho is an ineradicable as it's one of the longest journey that I haven't travel so far besides encountered lots challenges.

                                                                         Yum Tsho

This lake is on the way to Drakey Pangtsho. Few kilometers walk from this lake we will reach to one of the cheerful and prominent lake called Drakey Pangtsho. People those who go for trekking they spent their night above this lake by making camp.

                                                                 Kichu Lhakhang

It is also one of the renowned and sacred temples in Bhutan. It was built by Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo in 7th century. The statue of the future Buddha (Jowo Jampa) and Buddha Sakyamuni are the main relics and publicly displays during special occasion. It's believed that after seeing the future Buddha it's same like we have been to Lhasa in Tibet. This temple is just located above Paro town and it's 10 minutes drive from the town. The temple is surrounded by stupa and peach tree besides having small prayer wheels around the temple. However, as we near to main entrance of the temple there is distinctive attraction that's two ever green orange trees 🌲🌲🌲


Retrieved from:

             on 17th May, 2022

             on 26th May, 2022



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